LA LECHE League Leaders and families are looking forward to connecting with breastfeeding parents in real life, beyond the screen.
“A longing to be held in a supportive way, to sit in a room with other mothers, who will nod and say ‘I hear you, you’re doing a great job, keep going and it will pass’ is a common sentiment (Ciara, mother of two).
La Leche League of Ireland has been providing free breastfeeding support since 1966 to families and health professionals.
It actively moved its network of leaders and families to a virtual space during lockdown and is now gently re-emerging to face-to-face support, with many groups now hosting in-person outdoor meet-ups.
“Having a baby in lockdown. A memorable blur, a test of resilience, an important reminder that we mother in a community,” remarked a La Leche League member during a zoom meet-up.
In 2020, volunteer leaders had over 69,000 contacts with mothers and parents, supporting them to reach their breastfeeding goals.
La Leche League (LLL) also continues to provide support on many social media platforms.
“Breastfeeding support over WhatsApp messages was a comforting, friendly reminder that there were others having similar days,” said La Leche League member Ciara.
Breastfeeding has been included in the G20 priorities for health.

“A shared effort and responsibility are needed to recover from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and continue progress with the aim of improving breastfeeding rates” (G20 Health Ministers).
From the earliest days of the pandemic, La Leche League International has stated a clear message that nursing dyads should not be separated, and that breastfeeding should be supported.
This has saved lives. LLLI’s Covid-19 and Breastfeeding online resources, appearing in 17 languages, were viewed over four million times.
It is normal to have questions and concerns about breastfeeding when it is so new to both baby and you.
More than ever, expectant and new parents are determined to breastfeed, but struggle to access correct information and breastfeeding support.
La Leche League of Ireland is proud to be fully committed to its on-going support of breastfeeding families all over Ireland.
Many virtual meetings will continue into the future alongside in-person, community-based meetings, support on social media and by phone.
Anyone pregnant or breastfeeding can access free and accurate breastfeeding information.
Each virtual and in-person meet-up is guided by at least one internationally accredited La Leche League Leader, providing evidence-based, up-to-date information as well as practical support for mothers.
Kilkenny group: 086-6627290
La Leche League groups are on Instagram @lalecheleagueofireland Twitter @LaLecheIreland Further info from Sharon Beehan PRO, La Leche League of Ireland, prlllireland, 087-6402568