Deaths in Kilkenny continue to spiral as Thomastown accountant, Patrick E. Walsh battles to get the message across to a worried community as most local politicians and their cousins around the country ignore the phenomenon.
Meanwhile, local and national media keep mum as they fail to even mention what could be the most significant story in the history of the Fourth Estate.
The medical profession with noted exceptions keeps its head well below the parapet while Government and its allies hide in the long grass.
With no motive other than to highlight what he calls a frightening situation, and to try to get some explanations that may quell people’s fears, Patrick Walsh has now provided the latest mortality figures. The latter have been sent to local media, to a small minority of local politicians who showed concern for a story that simply is not going away.

Our grid shows all the figures for every year allowing concerned Kilkenny Press readers and others to fact check if they wish.
Patrick points out that the number of extra deaths can sometimes be lost in the percentages.
December 22 deaths compared to December 19 (Pre Covid) are up 58 (83%).
December 22 sudden deaths compared to December 19 are up 9 (180%)
From July to December 2022 overall deaths are up 162 (41%) compared to July to December 19. That’s 324 extra deaths in a full year, over six a week.
July to December 2022 sudden deaths are up 46 (131%) compared to July to December 19, nearly two extra a week.
Year 2020 was the height of the pandemic when lockdowns, masks and self-isolating were being pushed by the HSE and Government.
“With national and local media beating the drum, each Covid death was reported as a tragedy and a warning,” Patrick tells Kilkenny Press.
“Deaths and cases by county were headline news every day on KCLR.
“Strangely, overall deaths for this month in 2022 compared to 2020 are up 124 (29%) and there is not even a whisper of curiosity from any of the aforementioned.
“Considering KCLR report every Kilkenny death notice over the airwaves, “Patrick continues, “one would have thought someone with a brain in there might have copped on to the fact they are spending a lot more time reading them out than they used to.
“Those of us who want an explanation for these shocking death figures need to make ourselves heard and not just be content to read articles and hope someone else does something.
“I urge readers to use these figures to torment your local councillor, TD, clergyman, Garda, radio station and local newspaper.
“The louder our questions are, the louder their silence will resonate. I am sending these figures to our five local TDs and hope for positive action.
“I will also send them to councillors Andrew McGuinness and Deirdre Cullen as both have engaged to varying degrees with our campaign for openness and transparency, and even more importantly, hopefully assuring people living in fear that there is nothing to worry about.”
Patrick adds that if anyone from outside Kilkenny wishes to produce figures for his or her own county, concerned people can get in touch with him at [email protected]m and he will guide them through the process.