by Jimmy Rhatigan

TRYING TO sell the Budget to an electorate that appears to be waking from its slumbers has to be as difficult as selling sand to the Arabs.

The offering from the notorious trinity of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and The Greens is riddled with flaws and is a disingenuous package geared towards us believing that we are getting the sun, moon and stars while all we are being proffered  is a well decorated and much lauded Christmas Bonus with a few  frills in dodging dressing.

Reality is that the Budget is a rich man’s wallet-filler designed as a poor man’s bag of tricks.

The three tricksters cannot disguise the fact that they are once again filling the pockets of landlords while boxing the ears off of under pressure tenants.

Nothing has changed. Both FF and FG are conservative parties with wily ministers and smarmy TDs pandering to the wants and the needs of those who have while pretending to be on the side of those who have not.

The Greens are unsure where they stand, trapped on the middle of the road and battling with themselves on whether or not to use a cycling lane or a hybrid roadway.

They promote lettuce plants but one suspects they would be much more at home with a platter of caviar.

The very fact that Government Parties insulted us with this shady budget shows just how much contempt they have for the plebs of Ireland, as they would brand us, the good people  they are supposed to represent in the Dáil.

That they had the gall, the temerity to present their vote buying mishmash to us shows just how rude and disrespectful they can be to us citizens who pay their exorbitant wages.

In giving us the two fingers the message they have sent us is to live horse and eat grass.

Their underhand politics should be thrown back  into  their faces.

We have a glorious opportunity to do just that in the forthcoming General Election.

If we don’t react and accept the political pittances with bowed knee then we deserve the manure that is being hurled at us by male and female politicians who totally overrate their value to our country that is riddled with underhand skullduggery like our children’s hospital scandal and the Dáil bicycle shed. 

We should keep in mind that the cunning budget was designed to fool us.

That in itself should stir our emotions.

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