Home » OPINION: Sneering at our innocence

OPINION: Sneering at our innocence

by Jimmy Rhatigan

Although there is still no date on the next General  Election, politicians and wannabe Dáil members are already knocking on doors begging for  votes, craw thumping and  promising to deliver the sun, moon  and stars for a bewildered electorate.

A majority of those genuflecting and curtsying as they crawl up backsides in search of  the gold nuggets  they call votes would bring puke from an empty stomach.

Pledges of a better life for us all; less crippling taxes and positive futures for the very young, for our pensioners, men, women and children who battle serious illnesses are about as genuine as four Euro notes.

How often have we heard the infamous words over the  years from those  successful at election time?: ‘A great  day for the  party (ie political  party’.

Not a mention of the electorate most of whom might not cross their minds for years, if ever, as they add up  their lucrative salaries and do the maths for generous   expenses.

That vote collectors knock  on doors at all is perhaps a reminder to us all of their brass necks as they search  for comfortable seats  in  Leinster House, indeed any chairs that for most seeking election mean more money for successful candidates and the power that turns on lights on their twisted  egos.

They stoop to kissing babies, bullshitting grannies and promising a house to every son and daughter and their  families in every nook and cranny of the  four corners of Kilkenny.

Mostly the general public see through   their verbal diarrhea and the conundrum is that so many  still go out  and vote  for so many of the gold diggers.

Reality is that we are the masters of our own destiny but yet we have a tendency towards hara-kiri.

We wilt when we need to be strong in bidding to select people who just might consider supporting us instead   of feathering their own nests.

Will we ever learn has to be the killer question. For whatever reason, we tend to bottle it in the ballot box.

We deride politicians of all political parties. We call them all sorts of vulgar names; then we put out arms around some, give them No. 1 or whatever, perhaps against our best judgment.

Perhaps a collective kick in the backside might waken us up, teach us to stand up for ourselves and put manners on those who, election after election take us for  fools and cod us to the white of our eyes.

Politicians take us for granted; care  less what we think of them and continue to play Russian Roulette with our lives while they fill  their pockets, purses and wallets and walk away giggling as they sneer at  our innocence.

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